Support Us

Over 30,000 people enjoyed performances from Servant Stage Company in the last year! Your donations make this possible, as we offer all performances as "Pay-What-You-Will," making uplifting, family-friendly performances accessible to everyone in our community!

Your support allows Servant Stage Company to bring professional performances for free to students in schools and seniors in assisted living communities that might not otherwise get to experience live theater and music!

Whether your support is in the form of an Individual Gift or a Corporate Contribution, we thank you for demonstrating your generous support of the arts in our community, and we hope that you will take advantage of the unique opportunities and benefits of supporting Servant Stage Company!

Partner with us

Shine in the communities we touch and serve by partnering with us! Available on different levels, as a Servant Stage Partner you will:

  • Receive special gifts such as signed pictures, CDs, or DVDs of select Servant Stage shows!

  • See your name on playbills, posters, and the Servant Stage website!

  • Receive complimentary VIP tickets to shows!

  • Receive recognition in an announcement of special thanks before shows!

  • Make it possible for Servant Stage Company to continue bringing live performances into retirement communities, nursing homes, and schools!

Partner with us

Shine in the communities we touch and serve by partnering with us! Available on different levels, as a Servant Stage Partner you will:

  • Receive special gifts such as signed pictures, CDs, or DVDs of select Servant Stage shows!

  • See your name on playbills, posters, and the Servant Stage website!

  • Receive complimentary VIP tickets to shows!

  • Receive recognition in an announcement of special thanks before shows!

  • Make it possible for Servant Stage Company to continue bringing live performances into retirement communities, nursing homes, and schools!